Naval blockade at this time proved less than effective because the Axis could get crucial materials from the Soviet Union until June 1941, while Berlin used harbours in Spain to import war materials into Germany.

Combine that with the fact that coordinating the many manouvers and special abilities even among a small number of ships requires a lot of time slowing especially against the computer. This combined with very limited number of ships you bring to fights, especially in the early game, makes for a slugfest. Aside from torpedoes, ramming, and some inaccurate special abilities with long cooldowns, most weapons feel rather underwhelming in their damage potential. Gameplay All the right elements, tactical ship combat, broadsides, ramming, upgrades, some rpg tacked on. Maybe some flapping banners (i know space doesn't work like that, but realism isn't exactly what we are looking for here). Especially when you zoom into the details on the ships which although glorious in their warhammer gothic feel, leave something to be desired. This is on Ultra settings, I can only imagine if you have to turn them down. Its not bad, but when compared to the effects from another rts hybrid such as Sins of a Solar Empire released ages ago its hard to notice a difference not that impressive for a universe that should glory in the details and atmosphere. Looks For a 2016 release I expected a bit more from the graphics. Looksįor a 2016 release I They have all the right elements of a tactical warhammer space combat game here, but needs a lot of tweaking. They have all the right elements of a tactical warhammer space combat game here, but needs a lot of tweaking.